Any literature search should be preceded by thorough preparation. Before you start using the various research tools, take a few moments to think about your research topic or question.
Ask yourself questions about the aspects to be studied, the groups of individuals concerned, the importance of the geographical context or the time period to be considered.
Answer the following questions clearly and in your own words:
Who? Particular individuals or groups?
What? One aspect in particular? What are the components of the question?
When? A specific period or era?
Where? A geographical context? A particular region? A country?
How? An approach or point of view to consider? Historical? Sociological? Economic? Statistical? Legal? Scientific? Ethical?
Why? Why is this important? What are the implications? Why should we care?
Following this exercise, state your information needs in the form of a title or short sentence.
Before beginning to explore databases, create a concept map.