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Preparing your literature research


To launch a search in a database, you need to construct a query based on keywords. Relationships between keywords are established using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).

Search features may vary from one database to another. Please consult the Table of operators used in databases for more information.

Boolean operators

  • AND to refine your search
  • OR to broaden your search
  • NOT to exclude a search term

Operators are often used in English and must be capitalized.


  • () prioritizes the processing of terms found therein
    • job* PROX10 ( independent OR home).
  • May be used, for example, to group keywords separated by an OR.


  • * finds the different variations of a search term
    • econom*
  • Do not use on words that are too short.


  • " " forces the search engine to use exact-match. On single words, prevents synonyms, ex. "independent worker"

Proximity operators

  • ADJn - n being the maximum number of words between 2 search terms. Adjacency respects term order.
    • women ADJ4 manage* (picks up women managers, women in management, women in positions of management, etc.)
  • PROXn - n being the maximum number of words between 2 search terms. Proximity finds terms in any order.
    • women PROX15 manage* (picks up management positions held by women, women assuming more roles as managers, etc)


''In a controlled vocabulary a preferred term or phrase is designated (...), the non-preferred terms have references from them to the chosen term or phrase, and relationships among used terms are identified (...).'' (Librarianship Studies & Information Technology, 2024). 

This means that for a given notion, a standardized term is used, regardless of the vocabulary used by the author.

Example : one of the themes used for this article on burnout is "burnout".

Queries - examples

If necessary, parentheses can be used to prioritize sections of the query. :

entrepreneur* AND (start* OR launch* OR found*)

"organizational development"

sustainab* AND (energy OR power) AND (solut* OR technolog*)

artificial intelligence NEAR/3 (ethics OR morality)

preventi* AND ("occupational stress" OR ((workplace OR "work environment") AND stress))