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Covidence - English


To allow reviewers to judge the relevance of articles to be retained at the Full Text Review stage, it is possible to add PDFs or integrate a DOI link.

CAUTION : if your team members are not all HEC Montréal researchers, you should NOT download full text articles from the library resources. Adding PDFs would violate our licensing and copyright terms of use.

Use the DOI add-on instead. Each member will be able to manage access to the PDF based on their own institution's licenses.


If your review includes only members of the HEC Montreal community, you can add one PDF at a time or import them in batch.

One article at a time

The PDF must be located on your computer

  • Click on Add full text
  • Select the PDF on your computer

A filter (Needs full text) in the dashboard allows you to quickly isolate articles that do not have a PDF.

Batch import

To add PDFs by batch, you must use a bibliographic management software such as EndNote or Zotero. As of December 2022, Mendeley cannot be used because it does not allow users to export PDFs.

  • Download the articles for which the PDF is missing in the full text review step by clicking on Download studies.

  • Upload the RIS formatted text file (.txt) to your reference manager (EndNote or Zotero) and use the Find Full Text function to find the full texts.
  • Once the articles are found, export the references in EndNote XML format.
  • Upload the XML file to Covidence.
  • Upload the PDF file into Covidence, if needed.