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Sofia - User Guide

Search tool

What is Sofia?

Sofia is a shared bilingual discovery tool for all academic libraries in Quebec.

Although each library has a customized interface with its own logo and collections, Sofia is a window on the library collections throughout Quebec and around the world.

Sofia is part of the Shared Services Platform (SSP), a project overseen by BCI (Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire). For more information, click on this link.


The search tool allows you to locate both physical and digital documents. This includes books, periodicals, periodical articles from databases, dissertations/theses, audiovisual material, microforms, etc.

Sofia allows users to select one of three levels to narrow their search results :

  • Local (home institution, level selected by default)
  • Consortial (Quebec university libraries)
  • International (libraries around the world)

The discovery tool allows you to expand your search beyond the physical and digital collections held by your library.

Please note, however, that full access to digital content is limited to your own library's subscriptions and is subject to authentication.

Research Assistance

Profile Photo
Service d'aide à la recherche
Bibliothèque HEC Montréal
Édifice Côte-Sainte-Catherine
514 340-3851