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Zotero - English

Zotero is a free, open source bibliographic management software.

What is Zotero?

Zotero is a cross-platform bibliographic management software, free and easy to use.

It allows you to : 

  • manage bibliographic references from multiple information resources
  • insert references in a text
  • automatically produce a complete bibliography according to a citation style 
  • share references with a group of users
  • save PDFs

The Zotero interface is available in several languages, including French.

For more information, see the following links:

Download - Version 7.0

By default, the Home page offers the Windows version of the software. 
If necessary, select any of the other available operating systems:

  • macOS;
  • Linux 32-bit;
  • Linux 64-bit

Once the download is complete, follow the standard (recommended) method  of installation according to your operationg system. If the software asks for permission to install extensions in the browser, click "Allow".
Make sure the software is up to date by clicking on "Help" and then "Check for updates".

Creating and using a Zotero account

The value of a Zotero account

Your Zotero account allows you to :

  • work from multiple workstations;
  • share references with a group of users.

There are two ways to create an account :

  • via the Web site 
  • in the software, in the "Preferences" tab and then "Synchronization".

Create an account in Zotero

  1. Click on the Edit tab
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select the Sync tab
  4. Click on Create Account














Account synchronization

In the Sync tab of the Zotero software:

  1. Enter the account information (email address and password)
  2. Click on Set Up Syncing