Export from EndNote Web to Zotero
In EndNote Web > Format > Export References
- Select the group to export from the References drop-down menu.
- Select the RefMan IS Export style from the Export style drop-down menu.
- Save the file on your computer by clicking on the Save button.
In Zotero > Actions > Import
- Open the file created in the previous step
- The imported references are saved in a folder with the date and time of the import.
Importer from Zotero to EndNote
In Zotero
- Select the references to export.
- Click on the right button of your mouse and choose Export selected documents.
- Select the RIS format and the Unicode (UTF-8) encoding standard.
- Name and save the RIS file on your computer.
In EndNote Web > Collect > Import References
- Open the .RIS file containing your references from the Browse button
- Select the RefMan RIS import filter
- Choose the destination folder
- Click on Import