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Reference Management Tool


Many bibliographic databases are compatible with EndNote. These databases create, from selected references, a file in a format that EndNote is able to import.

Depending on the database used, it will be a direct or indirect import.

Direct Import

The selected references are imported directly into EndNote from the database.

Indirect import

The selected references are saved in a file from the database. Import the file into EndNote.

Click on the database to learn about the import procedure.

+  Sofia Discovery Tool

Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, etc.

+  Proquest
ABI/Inform Complete, Canadian Business & Current Affairs Databases (CBCA), Dissertation & Theses Global, etc.
The list is not exhaustive, click on Modify databases for all our subscriptions.

+  ACM Digital Library

+  AR Annual Review 

+  Cairn

+  Emerald 

+  ERIC 

+  Érudit 

+  Eureka

+  IEEE Xplore 

+  JSTOR: Journal Storage 

+  Nexis Uni

+  OECD iLibrary 

+  Persée 


+  PsycINFO 

+  Repère

+  Sage Journals 

+  ScienceDirect 

+  ScienceDirect ebook 

+  SpringerLink 

+  Web of Science 

+  Wiley Online Library