+ I have a Mac. I downloaded the EndNote 20 from the HEC website. When installation is complete and I try to open the application, an image appears mentioning EndNote and then disappears immediately without launching the program. How do I open EndNote?
With a MAC, EndNote only opens after a new library has been opened. You must click on File in the top menu and then New.
+ When I create a bibliography, the abstract appears under the reference. How do I remove this text?
The default bibliographic style in EndNote is annotated, it inserts the abstract into the bibliographic reference. Return to EndNote and choose another bibliographic style from the drop-down menu at the top left of the screen. APA 6th is a commonly used style. You can also use the HEC Montréal style developed by the library.
+ Can I automatically add PDF documents to EndNote?
Yes, using the function Find Full Text
You must first configure the preferences in EndNote.
- Menu Edit > Preferences... > Find Full Text
- OpenURL Path :
- https://hecmontreal.on.worldcat.org/atoztitles/link
- URL :
- http://proxy2.hec.ca/login?
- Check the box Automatically invoke Find Full Text on newly-imported references
+ Can I add a PDF document to EndNote manually?
Yes, using the function File Attachments
- Click on the reference in the full list
- Right-click to bring up the context menu and choose File Attachements > Attach File...
- Find the PDF to be attached
- Click on Open
+ Can I change the column order?
Yes, it is possible to change the columns and the order in which they appear.
You must configure the preferences in EndNote.
- Menu Edit > Preferences... > Display Fields
- Choose the field to display for each column
- Rename the column if necessary
- Click on OK
Up to 8 columns can be displayed at the same time.
+ How do I make a backup copy of my library?
Using the Compressed Libraryfunction
- Menu File > Compressed Library (.enlx) > Create
EndNote creates a single file with the extension .enlx and containing the 2 elements :
Double-click on the .enlx file to open the compressed library.
It is possible to save this file on a network. However, be sure to move it to your computer or a USB key BEFORE unzipping the backup library.
+ How do I reset the synchronization?
Sometimes EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online do not sync properly or you may want to sync a new library.
Before pursuing the following procedure, be sure to:
- clear the Trash bin in EndNote Online, as well as in EndNote Desktop
- disable automatic synchronization in EndNote Desktop
- save your EndNote Desktop library in a compressed library
- Open EndNote and select menu File > Compress Library (.enlx)…
- Open EndNote and select menu Edit > Preferences > Sync
- Unselect the box Sync Automatically
- Restart EndNote
EndNote Online
- Login to your EndNote Online account
- https://access.clarivate.com/login?app=endnote
- Delete all references and groups from EndNote Online, except for shared groups or Groups Shared by Others)
- To delete groups, go to the Organize > Manage My Groups tab, click Delete for each group
- Clear the Trash bin
- Log out
EndNote Desktop
- Double-click on the compressed file in your library
- Select Edit > Preferences > Sync
- Add to the end of your email address: #!resetLocalSync respecting upper and lower case
- Click Apply, then OK
- Click on Sync Configuration
- Click on Sync Now
- Close EndNote
- Restart EndNote and click on Sync again
- Click Yes for the Warning message
- Your local sync state has been reset, click on OK and enter your email in the preferences
- Click on OK and re-enter your email address.
- Restart EndNote, perform a new sync and click OK.
- Close and re-open EndNote
- Open the library to be synchronized with EndNote Online
A complete synchronization will start, wait until the Sync Details appear before closing your library.
+ The tab for EndNote does not appear in Word after installing the software - how can I make it appear?
Solution provided by the manufacturer.
Make sure you choose the right link for your operating system for your versions of Word and EndNote.
+ The EndNote tab has disappeared in Word, but was there when the software was installed - how can I make it reappear?
Solution provided by the manufacturer.
Make sure you choose the right link for your operating system for your versions of Word and EndNote.
+ In Word 16.25 for Mac, when I click on Insert Citation no window opens for the selection of a reference to insert in the text.
You need to change the preferences
- Click on Preferences
- Click on Privacy
- Click on Automation
- Select Microsoft Word under EndNote
+ Instead of seeing the citation I see codes like { ADDIN EN.CITE ... What can I do to fix the problem?
The command < alt > + < f9 > should solve the problem. You may need to repeat the command 2 times in a row.
+ A reference appears in the automatically generated list at the end of the document, but is not cited in the document - how do I correct the issue?
The Edit Citation function has not been used to remove a citation.
- Click on the Office icon at the top of the screen;
- click on Word Options at the bottom of the window;
- click on Advanced Options in the left margin;
- in the Show Document content section, select the box Show field codes instead of their values;
- click on OK;
- the citations will be converted to codes;
- search for the author's last name;
- once you have found what is left of the code, click anywhere in that code;
- use Edit citation to remove the remaining code, otherwise select the whole block to delete it.
+ When I merge files that each have a bibliography created with EndNote, the bibliographies remain separate in the final document. How can I get just one bibliography at the end of the document?
Repeat the merging procedure using the following steps.
- For each of the documents :
- Make sure that all your references have been inserted into your Word document from within EndNote.
- Select Convert to Unformatted Citations, from the EndNote toolbar in Word. The references will then appear in this format : {Slone, 2007 #2136} and the bibliography will disappear.
- Merge all of your documents.
- Click on Update Citations and Bibliography in the newly created file.
+ When I insert a cited author (name, date) in my Word document, the first name of the author appears in the parenthesis while it does not appear for the other authors - Is this normal?
When 2 references from the same year have been written by 2 authors with the same last name, EndNote will add the first name to distinguish them.
If the author in question is the only one with that last name, it means that it is recorded in more than one way in the EndNote library, e.g. :
- Dion, Julie
- Dion, J
- Dion, J.
EndNote considers these 3 entries as 3 different authors.
To fix the issue, do a search in EndNote with the author's name and make sure that the author's name is entered consistently in ALL references.
Go back to Word and do an update (Update Citations and Bibliography in the EndNote tab), and the problem should be fixed.
Manufacturer's FAQ, Windows and Mac