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EndNote - English

Reference Management Tool

Creating a bibliography

WARNING : Make sure you choose the right bibliographic style before proceeding, as this method will not allow you to change it later.

Copy/paste from Endnote to Word

  1. Select the references in EndNote (hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple references).
  2. Press Ctrl-K to copy the reference(s).
  3. Press Ctrl-V to paste the reference in your destination of choice.

By subject

  1. Menu Tools > Subject bibliography...
  2. From the Subjects Fields box, create a list of records using the fields (keywords, authors, periodicals ...) then click on OK
  3. From the list of records, select those to be included in the bibliography; then click on OK
  4. Click on Layout to name the bibliography
  5. Type the name of the bibliography in the Reference List Title input box:
  6. Click on OK and then Save.




Create your file for Covidence :

  • Menu File > Export
  • Type : select XML
  • Output style : select RefMan (RIS) Export
  • Click on Save
  • The file is ready to import